Bedea history

In the beginning, more than 100 years ago, all started with wire drawing. Following the technolological developments of the era, bedea turned to a powerful medium-sized company. Here are some steps:


1889 Foundation by Carl Berkenhoff in Merkenbach/Herborn (Germany)
1893 Invention of the multiple wire drawing machine (patent pending)
1895 Entrance of the merchant Paul Drebes. Company name: Berkenhoff & Drebes
1897 Aquisition of the wire drawing plant "Aßlarer Hütte" near Wetzlar (Germany)
1914 Construction of a wire drawing die plant (Oranien) near Herborn (Germany)
1920 Foundation of the Berkenhoff + Co.KG in Kinzenbach near Gießen (Germany)
1923 Change into the Berkenhoff & Drebes plc
1939 50th anniversary
1952 Extension of the plants in Merkenbach and Asslar
1958 Extension of the wire drawing plant in Merkenbach
1964 A administration building was erected in Merkenbach
1969 All wire and tool plants were sold to the „Westfälische Union“ in Hamm (Germany)
1981 The Berkenhoff & Drebes GmbH becomes a wholly owned subsidiary of the THYSSEN DRAHT AG. Cable production and plastics processing was extended.
1986 Rope production was moved from Merkenbach to Asslar.
1989 100th anniversary
1994 Under the company name bedea Berkenhoff & Drebes GmbH, the Asslar plant of the THYSSEN DRAHT AG becomes a subsidiary of the THYSSEN STAHL AG.
1996 The bedea Berkenhoff & Drebes GmbH is independant, with no ownership stake by any other company.
1998 The company establishes the brand "bedea akzent" for fiberoptical lighting systems.
2003 The bedea measuring system "CoMeT" is a milestone in measuring coaxial and symmetrical cables.
2006 Opening of the "bedea akzent" showroom.